
a conversation

me: here, let me wipe your mits

her: no mummy, not mits, hands

do you instagram
i'm a little bit obsessed ...  i think my fifty-two posts will be migrating there in 2013
you can find me there as iambcwer


nanna delux

i made this little tea cosy for my love for his birthday, from a pattern in really wild tea cosies by loani prior. he's been complaining for so long that we didn't have one that i just had to ... what grown man complains about the lack of a teacosy anyway?!

it's a simple pattern to follow, being mainly various sized granny squares in single colours. i used jo sharp silkroad dk tweed yarn in magnolia, peppercorn and treasure colourways and classic dk wool in teal and navy colourways (incidentally, when i went to double check the colour names, i've just noticed that they're both on sale on the jo sharp knit website).

i added some little ties at the top instead of stitching it together as the pattern suggests. our teapot seemed to be a little shorter and fatter than specified and i was worried that i wouldn't be able to squoosh it in when full of boiling hot tea.

i'm playing along with everyone at my creative space.


make it // easy peasy paper ornaments

the year m. was born was the first year that i really felt the need to have a 'proper' christmas tree. our plastic fir was covered in baby-safety-conscious plastic decorations from spotlight and target ... i probably shouldn't have worried because she was completely oblivious.

that year my mum gifted me all of the ornaments that she had amassed over the years on my behalf. i'm not sure if it was her intention in the beginning, but it became a bit of a tradition for my younger siblings and i to receive an ornament as part of our gift wrap, or in our stockings each christmas.

now that i have my own little family i've been thinking a bit harder about updating our plastic ornaments. replacing them with hand crafted ones that i can hand on to the kidlets when they are grown and putting up their own christmas trees. i'm hoping to begin my own tradition and make something for or with the kids each year.

these sweet little paper pine cone ornaments are my first attempt at something stylish and home made. they're super quick to whip up, look gorgeous on the tree and would also look lovely as part of the wrapping on a gift for someone special.



look out shadow ... it's me.



one hundred and eighty // the reach ... he so wants to be moving

nine hundred and sixty-six // santa ... not so sure (at the playgroup christmas party)