

one hundred and thirty-seven // solids ...
he started watching my lunch with serious intensity as it made its way from plate to mouth. i just couldn't resist.
not sure what he makes of baby rice, but his expression is priceless!

nine hundred and thirty // this was the first time she'd ever asked to wear a particular piece of clothing
(her flower girl dress from a friends wedding). i had to force the coat on her though, the apparent temperature was 2.8°C.


drive by

we took a trip out to bendigo a few days ago. 

on the way, there is a small patch of countryside that is dotted all over with piles of boulders.

it's difficult to take photos from the passenger seat of a speeding car.



nine hundred and eighteen // first ponytail...
it stayed in for half the day which is fairly amazing as she usually won't tolerate anything in her hair.

one hundred and thirty-four // the ever expanding friction bald patch



it seems my neon patched pants tutorial has gathered enough momentum to be 'borrowed' by a popular (?) fashion blog in holland (?).

i can't say i'm over the moon. my images have been chopped up and adjusted and there was no contact from the blog owner to ask if they could up-cycle my content. i only discovered it because of the odd jump in my page views.

to be fair, they describe the tutorial as 'super cute' which is kind of flattering, they did do the right thing in linking to the blog and they had to translate the instructions into dutch (2 seconds in google translate?) ... so what's my problem?

my blog is ad free (they make me feel funny), the 'up-cycling' blog is smothered in ads ... i don't like the idea of two entire days of my life making money for someone else. as a graphic designer in a studio my charge out rate was something like $90 to $120 an hour, so that's $1440 of my time (if i'm charging mates rates) that is now being capitalised on by someone else. you know that fight or flight adrenaline rush you get when you feel all righteously angry about something ... i have that right now!

and another thing ... i think pretty hard about how i want my posts to look, cutting up my images and displaying them at the wrong resolution makes my work look dodgy and unprofessional and makes me more than a little sad.

what do you think?

do i have a right to feel cranky?

how would you deal with the situation?

google translation 
(for the benefit of my new dutch followers)

het lijkt mijn neon gepatchte broek tutorial is genoeg momentum te worden 'geleend' door een populaire (?) fashion blog in holland (?) verzameld.

Ik kan niet zeggen dat ik ben in de wolken. mijn beelden zijn gehakt en aangepast en er was geen contact van de blog eigenaar om te vragen of ze konden up-cycle mijn inhoud. Ik heb alleen ontdekt als gevolg van de oneven sprong in mijn pageviews.

om eerlijk te zijn, ze de tutorial beschrijven als 'super cute' dat is een beetje geflatteerd, ze deden het juiste te doen in de koppeling naar de blog en moesten ze de instructies in het Nederlands (2 seconden in google vertalen?) vertalen ... dus wat is mijn probleem?

mijn blog is ad gratis (ze maken me grappig gevoel), zal de 'up-cycling' blog gesmoord in advertenties ... ik hou niet van het idee van twee hele dagen van mijn leven om geld te verdienen voor iemand anders. als grafisch ontwerper in een studio mijn lading out percentage was iets van $ 90 tot $ 120 per uur, dus dat is $ 1440 van mijn tijd (als ik vrienden tarieven opladen) die nu wordt geactiveerd op door iemand anders. je weet dat vechten of vluchten adrenaline rush die je krijgt wanneer je het gevoel helemaal rechtvaardig boos over iets ... Ik heb dat op dit moment!

en een ander ding ... ik denk dat vrij moeilijk over de manier waarop ik wil mijn berichten te zoeken en snijden mijn beelden en ze te tonen op de verkeerde resolutie maakt mijn werk kijken dodgy en onprofessioneel en maakt me meer dan een beetje triest.

wat denk je?

heb ik het recht om te voelen chagrijnig?

hoe zou u omgaan met de situatie?


a conversation

bunny: hello...

spoon: hello bunny, what are you doing?

bunny: just hanging out

spoon: oh no! i've lost my face... where's my face gone? what am i going to do?

(this is a combination of two current favourite games:
'puppet shows' conversations between inanimate objects and 
'losing things' pretending you've lost something and then trying to find it)



lately (even before the move) i've felt like my brain won't settle. ideas bounce around like balls in a pinball machine and nothing seems to settle and stay for more than a few seconds. multiple scrappy to do lists form and float and then evaporate before i have a moment to write them out leaving me constantly feeling that there was something i needed to do but can't quite seem to remember what. there's little focus and even less achieved.

maybe it's to do with the fact that my day is divided into two hour blocks by feed and sleep schedules and i have two little people clamouring for my attention with their small requests and frustrations. i'm sure it doesn't help. these things always seem to require my attention half way through some chore or other, which must be promptly abandoned and then remembered in order to be restarted. it seems they are rarely remembered until someone (usually my love) stumbles across the half finished something several days later.

perhaps it's just my nature. i rarely seem to finish things i start. i have at least seven un-finished knitting and sewing projects laying about. my love is often frustrated by my desire to problem solve the most random things at the most inappropriate times. my focus is laser like in intensity on this one thing, excluding all else. usually these things happen at critical times of the day, like lunchtime or half way through the bed time routine.

occasionally i wonder if this is what they refer to when they talk about our ever decreasing attention spans, the symptom of living in a digital world... it does seem reminiscent of the meandering paths i often follow on the internet, my focus constantly being grabbed by something new, clicking through to something else before i'm really done on the original page. those little red counters on the ipad are the bane of my existence. i quickly jump on to check the weather so i can hang out the washing safe in the knowledge it won't rain, but the little red facebook counter swipes into view and i'm sucked down the rabbit hole ... only to emerge several hours later and realise that i still don't know if it will rain or not.

i'm fairly certain it's a combination of all of the above. i'm trying to figure out systems to help me stay focused and on track, but it's slow... and my thoughs keep geting scattered.



apparently moving is tiring for everyone ... except toddlers

one hundred and twenty-two // nine hundred and ten


interesting things

men, women and two thousand colour names

a thought provoking blog post about down syndrome

an amusing synopsis of moby dick wherein the author uses hipsters as an allegory for ishmael

i'm a fan of optimism. here are some great resources

an inspiring online publication for women


colour // toddler photography

dark neutral // warm french grey // blush // neon coral



nine hundred and seven // one hundred and ten

feet... he's just discovering he has them and she's putting shoes on them by herself
(i know they're elastic-sided, slip on boots, but i'm excited about the though process... she wants to go outside, so she selects boots from her collection and puts them on, she got them on the right feet too).



we're moving house... sadly the boxes don't pack themselves.
fingers crossed the internet connects without a hitch. i'm sure that even in the event of total (temporary) catastrophic loss of connection i will find a way... i have been known for my creative problem solving in the past.