
in progress // simple chunky lace cowl

i'm slowly working away on a cowl using some yarn my sister gave me for my birthday last year.

when i've finished it and worked out all the details i'll post a pattern.

i'm playing along with everyone at my creative space.



m. is often found with a stolen iphone, swiping through the images and video of herself and her brother that are collected there. it prompted me to have a flick through myself and ever since i've been thinking a lot about ways to record the little things they say and do that seem so important, yet fade from memory without cataloguing. i'm pretty certain that while i could easily commit to the idea of a photo a day project, chances are the follow through would be sadly lacking.
i discovered the idea of a weekly photo project on one of those meandering internet adventures where you follow a trail of links like breadcrumbs in a forest and end up somewhere magical. maybe emily from the beetle shack did the same, or maybe she already knew jodi from che and fidel. either way i'd like to thank a couple of ladies i've never met for supplying the inspiration for this project to document our babes.

eight hundred and sixty-nine // it's hard to find an image of her in focus. she's always on the go these days

seventy-nine // the two of them have a bit of a mutual appreciation society going at the moment. i'm interested to see how long that lasts once he's more mobile



it's always so hard to start.

i feel like i should say something that will encompass the entire breadth and depth of what this blog will be… but any attempt at that will always fall short. i'm certain whatever i imagine this space might be will grow and change… i don't want to lock myself into anything that won't fit me or my purpose months (or years) from now.
i feel like i should tell you everything about myself here and now… but that would be a fairly epic (in size) and ordinary (in content) first post. i'm sure that my story will unravel in bits and pieces as time goes on.

i hope you hang around to see what might unfold…