

to be present in the moment ... whatever it requires of me

to practice silliness

to walk weekly (and eat less sugar)

to speak mindfully or not at all

to stop comparing ... it is the thief of joy

to think less and do more

to be kinder (mainly to myself)

to let go of perfection

to maintain places for my brain to rest

 to link with love ... i'm looking at you pinterest boards!


Mary Mary Quite Contrary said...

This is a great list Anna, speaks loudly to what I need to apply to my own life and was a great & rather timely reminder for me, thanks so much for sharing it :)

Unknown said...

oh my goodness if only you could climb inside me you would know that that is exactly were i ma....every single item on your list Anna! it could be my list! i am so happy to find your blog this snowy morning! wishing you love, peace, calm and beauty on your walk xxxxxxxxxxx